Wednesday, September 3, 2008

President's Funeral

Today was a national holiday due to the president’s funeral. So pretty much everything was closed and it seemed like pretty much the entire country was planning on spending the day in front of the television watching the proceedings. The funeral did pretty much last the whole day and when we ventured out in the afternoon, hardly anyone was out on the streets. Typically the sides of the roads are crowded with people and depending on the time of day, traffic is bumper to bumper.

Since we had some unexpected time off, we debriefed a bit about the workshop and what we have accomplished on the trip so far. There were some really positive connections made with the University of Zambia and we will most likely continue working on a research collaboration with them in the near future. A representative from ZAFOD attended our workshop on Tuesday, which gave us an excellent opportunity to interface with them again and begin to build more of a relationship for future work. Within faith-based organizations, we will continue to work with our established partners. One can’t underestimate what the sisters are able to accomplish here. We heard countless stories of sisters making something out of nothing.

We are really hoping to be able to work with Mikela Mukongolwa at Bauleni Street Kids Project to implement an autism classroom. Mikela already has some fantastic ideas about how to put this into action.

There are really a number of directions we could proceed with our work here and it seems as though we will easily be able to create a plan that satisfies research as well as technical assistance needs. Not surprisingly, Amy has a grand plan mapped out in her head for next steps.

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