Thursday, September 4, 2008

Moving on to Livingstone

Today we moved on to Livingstone for the rest of our trip. The sisters in Lusaka gave us a nice going away luncheon complete with wine(although none of us felt we could drink wine at 11:30 in the morning!) and a cake and probably the best cauliflower ever. Most of the produce we have eaten on this trip has been grown right out in the yards of wherever we are staying and has been pretty awesome.

Livingstone looks a lot different from Lusaka. There are definitely more trees and hills and not as much smog. The breathing is a little easier. We are staying with the sisters again at a guesthouse called Holy Cross. It’s definitely the smallest of all of the places we have stayed. It is cozy and features a kitchen for us to cook in…a very nice novelty to have even if we don’t end up using it.

We stopped by Cheshire homes, the location of our workshop tomorrow. Sister Agnes really has things organized and the space for our workshop is really nice and comfortable.

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