Thursday, August 28, 2008

U.S. Team Returns to Zambia

The U.S. team from the University of Minnesota and Arc Greater Twin Cities are en route to Zambia. First we have stopped in South Africa and linked up with Mikala (Zambia team member) for an international conference on intellectual and developmental disabilities - IASSID. This has been a great conference and we have learned a lot, met new Zambians from Inclusion International who will join our work in Zambia and connected with a group of researchers who are interested in collaborative partnerships. Mikala presented a research paper at the conference and she was very well received and respected for the amazing work she is doing at Belani Street Kids.

In addition to the conference in South Africa, we are having some fun and doing some sight seeing. Amy has a friend in South Africa who has been a wonderful asset and tour guide for all of us. Our colleagues Lori and Beth experienced a close up encounter with a baboon who decided to leap into their laps while they were driving on the Cape. Our colleague Derek summed it up, "Yikes and hilarious." We also visited the penguins and have a beautiful view of table mountain from the inn where we are staying. Amy was excited to experience 10 rainbow sightings in one day (yes they were different rainbows and she has pictures as proof).

Kristin, Beth, Lori and Liz leave for Zambia Friday morning. Amy leaves Saturday morning. We are very excited to get to Zambia again. Our work there will be interrupted because of the funeral of the Zambian president. It will be an interesting time to be in Zambia. More later.

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